Pastor Phena M. Long
Phena M. Long serves as Pastor of the New Beginnings SDA Church. A proud Georgia Peach, Pastor Long is known for hugs, Southern hospitality, outgoing personality, and delivering powerful and relatable sermons.
She loves to golf, the Atlanta Falcons, spending time with her family and friends, but above all else, she loves God and Jesus Christ and strives to spread the message of God’s love to as many people as possible.
Her tagline: “I’m just a nobody, trying to tell everybody, about SOMEBODY, that can save ANYBODY!”
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its 50 Plus Coordinator. By working alongside the Pastor, <Insert Name here> ensures the spiritual needs and sense of belonging for church members over the age of 50 are met. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Community Service leader. Primarily responsible for the church’s distrubutions of food and clothing, <Insert Name here> ensures the physical needs of the community are met. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Hospitality Leader. Primarily responsible for ensuring a warm atmosphere for social events, <Insert Name here> works to make New Beginnings a welcoming place for everyone. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Church Clerk. The steward of the church’s vital information, such as the church roll and meeting minutes, <Insert Name here> ensures the business of the church is done at a high level. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Head Deacon. Overseeing the Deacon corps, <Insert Name Here> contributes to the spiritual needs of the church and ensures the physical well-being of each member. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Sabbath School Superintendent. Primarily responsible for leading the church through the Sabbath School quarterly lessons, <Insert Name Here> ensures people’s growth through study. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Communications Director. Primarily responsible for keeping the church informed, <Insert Name Here> also supports the church’s website, social media presence, and technology efforts. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Head Deaconess. Overseeing the Deaconess corps, <Insert Name Here> contributes to the spiritual needs of the church and ensures each members needs are met with compassion. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.
<Insert Name Here> serves New Beginnings as its Usher Leader. Overseeing the Usher corps, <Insert Name here> is primarily responsible for greeting members and visitors and addressing their requests as needed. <Insert interesting facts and tidbits of leader here>.